The Chicken Farm

Why would a thirteen year old city boy from the Big Apple spend several summer weeks at his Aunt and Uncles’ chicken farm 75 miles upstate ( in the country)?   Here are a few reasons: 
1. It’s freakin hot in the City in summer, 1952 with no AC. About 20 degrees cooler in the Catskills.  ( think “ Dirty Dancing”).
2. He’d get a break from his mom who raised him by herself since her beloved husband died in 1943. ( and she’d get a break from him.)
3. It would be a totally different experience from the city.  He’d do chores on the farm to earn his keep ( room and board)   Still plenty of time to enjoy Yankee Lake with his good buddy, Pete, who lived across the highway from the farm.
4. A loving relationship with his Aunt and an always interesting but careful bond with his uncle. 

Enough of this third person BS.  I learned a bunch from my frequent , lengthy visits.   
1. Chickens suck.  They are mean, dirty, stinky, and nervous wrecks.  If you make a slight misstep inside the stinky coop, they all fly up and spread chicken doodoo, dirt, and whatever, up in the air all over you.   If one of them gets a cut on  her body they will chase her and could peck her to death if not stopped. 

2. Collecting eggs is tricky.  My uncle told me, “ Donny, just put your hand gently under the setting chicken and quietly, quickly collect the egg “.  Believing him at first. I gently put my hand under the stupid chicken.  Bap bap bap bap. She pecked the hell out of my hand.  After a few of those tricks I tried one of my own. I’d show the stupid chicken my right hand and stealthily ( but gently) grab her neck.  Then I’d gently collect the damn egg.  ( without being pecked). All went well until my uncle caught me.  He said,  “ No Donny. If you do that the chicken won’t lay any more eggs.”  I watched him in action.  In a short while he put his hand under a chicken.  Bap bap bap.  He got pecked.  He then grabbed the chicken by the head and gently threw her over his shoulder. I said,”Oh I see how you do it. “
He mumbled “Smart ass”. And continued the collecting.

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