One Piece of Advice

Tomorrow I turn 85. God is good!!
Please listen up if you’re 20 years or more younger than me; and pass this on to any younger folks you care about ( oh s—t another preposition ending).
Here’s the advice ——. If there is something you Really. Want to do. DO IT NOW or at least SOON. Examples. Travel to a certain place ( Hawaii. Paris, London, etc. ) See a certain site ( Niagara Falls, Grand Canyon, Machu Picchu. Do a certain activity. Zip lining, cruising, sailing, deep sea fishing.
Do not wait for retirement. Go into some manageable debt if need be, but do it. Why? You ask? You can’t predict your future health or mobility.
My wife, Marjorie and I loved New York. We visited, saw Broadway shows, saw the main attractions. But now it’s almost impossible for us to get there and we couldn’t do any of those things.
Along with health restrictions, you also lose motivation to do things you used to love.
Again, stop kicking the can down the road. You just don’t know what’s waiting for you down there. I know what was there for me now. But I sure didn’t think I’d have the battle to survive that I have encountered. Ergo. Do It Now. Enuf.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Jim

    Happy birthday, Dad. Just thought of a good bday present. A primo set of virtual reality goggles. You can enjoy traveling the world without leaving your comfy recliner. I see this in my future when I turn 85.

  2. Donald Scooler

    Thanks, Jim. You already dragged me out of my comfort zone into the blogisphere. Virtual reality. No thank you. Traveling is only fun if you can share the experience. That was the problem with my early Air Force travels. I certainly wish you an easy journey to 85 and beyond. I’ll be about 113 years old. Can I still drive?

    1. Kiersten Scooler

      At 113? NO!

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