Quack Quack, you idiot!

Here it is. It’s about 2 am. Having a little trouble getting back to sleep.  (Ziva, our cat, woke me up).  What better time to regale you with another story or two from my youth. (yes, I had one, but it was a long time ago).  This one was 63 years ago when I was a Brooklyn College Air Force ROTC cadet.  Between junior and senior years, we cadets attended rather rigorous summer training at an Air Force Base. I went to Lockbourne AFB near Columbus, Ohio.  (my first significant trip outside NYC).
Part of that training was a small taste of Air Force survival training at a scary place called Nelsonville, Ohio.  A weekend that seemed like a year.
As our bus from the base approached our Nelsonville Hell, we saw a giant (about 6’6”. 250 lb ) sergeant in combat fatigues standing there with a snake wrapped around his neck and “REBEL” tattooed on his right arm.  He started yelling profanities at us and ordering us   To get the hell off the bus (we thought, “ oh s—t what did we get ourselves into?”  After we were off, he continued to scream at us and ordered us to do some stupid things, like squat down and do a duck walk. And quack like a duck.  After a couple minutes of making us do a duck walk, he screamed directly at me. “. I said, say Quack quack you idiot”.  To which this Brooklyn smart ass responded, “ Quack quack, you idiot.” 

I’ll pause here for y’all to get it.
Anyway, he wasn’t happy with me so he yelled, “ Gimme 50 poosh ups in da booshes”.  I immediately complied, but couldn’t come close to 50 poosh ups anywhere. 
That’s Nelsonville story one.  You’ll have to ask if you want Nelsonville number 2.  Yeah I got a bunch. 

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