The Naviguesser

Good early morning, friends and family.It’s about 3:30 am. I’m awake. So naturally it’s time for another tru(ish) Nam story from 55 years ago.First, a little background about age.  I…


Sheets for Christmas

Once upon a time there was a place called Vietnam, where over 500,000 US servicemen served.  I was one of them.  This was ancient history.  Before emails, Skype, texting, and…


Teamwork over the Atlantic

Dec 24, 1966 (OMG 57 years ago). Two C-130 crews from Charleston AFB had just delivered essential cargo to Ascension Island in the South Atlantic Ocean (between South America and…


Quack Quack, you idiot!

Here it is. It’s about 2 am. Having a little trouble getting back to sleep.  (Ziva, our cat, woke me up).  What better time to regale you with another story…

Read more about the article The Reluctant Navigator
L to R. Sgt Villegas, our flight engineer; Moi, the reluctant navigator; ; Capt Jack Bell, pilot; Lt Billie Watson, co-pilot. We’re in front of our infamous Goon.

The Reluctant Navigator

We looked a long time for this photo.  Marjorie dubbed it “ The reluctant navigator”. Note the height of my gun belt. The others were lower and ready to be…


Tan Son Nhut AB Nov 1969

Here I am with our whole crew receiving the rather auspicious recognition as the crew that flew the 80,000th accident-free hour in a combat zone.  Kinda safe wouldn’t you say. …