Yay, it’s the first day of spring. The heat is on and working. However, a few days ago our AC went kaput. It was 75 outside. My AC was set on 74 and cool. The house temp went to 82 and no cooling. AC people came Monday but could not fix it. They found that our freon was empty and there’s a leak. But can’t find leak. Today they are coming to search for leak. Just the search will cost me $700+. Yay. It’s apparently in a pipe under house. The good news is that it ain’t July. I actually have heat on this am. BTW after they find leak then they’ll really charge me to fix it. I’m guessing $1500 to 2000 before I’m done. Laughing yet??
I’ll finish post after AC folks finish today. Hopefully, good news. Keep smiling.
Well. Hooray. They found and fixed my nitrogen leak. I need ( I think he said) 8 lbs of that gas. Still waiting for the actual total cost Oh well it’s only money. Things could be worse. More in a moment or two.
Golly it’s terrible to be right. My guess of $1500 to 2000. Was pretty f—/-/g close. How about $1933.10. That’s my final cost for a hole in my AC line.
Hopefully, I’ll have a working AC when the temp hits 95 in July. I’m having a big glass of spiked egg nog now. Enuf.
The timing of this is interesting. Same thing is going on with Caroline and her new car. Took it in for the second time to recharge but they can’t (or haven’t tried hard enough) to find a leak. It’s out of warranty only because they’ve delayed actually fixing it and ran out the clock. She may have to get dad all over them when (not if) she takes it back in after crapping out again.
At least I’m fairly sure they found and fixed my leak. Only cost me $1950. Only money. Another annoyance—I think the hole in my line was accidentally put in by our own foundation workers. They are not gracious ballerinas. Thank God. Keep enjoying the sitcom.