Read more about the article The Reluctant Navigator
L to R. Sgt Villegas, our flight engineer; Moi, the reluctant navigator; ; Capt Jack Bell, pilot; Lt Billie Watson, co-pilot. We’re in front of our infamous Goon.

The Reluctant Navigator

We looked a long time for this photo.  Marjorie dubbed it “ The reluctant navigator”. Note the height of my gun belt. The others were lower and ready to be…


Tan Son Nhut AB Nov 1969

Here I am with our whole crew receiving the rather auspicious recognition as the crew that flew the 80,000th accident-free hour in a combat zone.  Kinda safe wouldn’t you say. …


Irish Blessing

This is my favorite Irish blessing. I thought I’d like to share it with loving family and friends.  So I did. I don’t have everyone’s e mail address so feel…